OZZY OSBOURNE: 'I Have A Face Like A Baby's Butt'

January 27, 2010

Tara Murtha of Philadelphia Weekly recently conducted an interview with Ozzy Osbourne. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.

Philadelphia Weekly: Hey Ozzy. I loved the book ["I Am Ozzy"]!

Ozzy: The book is a lighthearted look at my life. I mean for every rock and roller, there's a book about the sex, the groupies, the rock and roll the drugs, the debauchery — which everybody knows about. But there's a downside to it as well, there's a tragic side. But most of all there's a humorous side. I always think, if you can laugh at your pain then you can get through anything really.

Philadelphia Weekly: How'd you do most of the research?

Ozzy: Chris [coauthor Chris Ayres] came out, I didn't have to actually do research, just had to jog my memory. So he'd come around and say, OK, what was it like from 15 to 25 and I'd talk and talk and talk, you know, I was married to my first wife, and so on. I was very mean to her. When I was a drunk I was very … coming along with success in rock and roll comes a thing called ego, and ego and alcohol don't really mix because it boosts up your ego to be out of control and you think everything you do is right and everybody agrees with you because you're a celebrity. So nobody goes, I think you're full of shit because everybody wants to be around a celebrity. I used to mistreat my first wife and mistreated by Sharon for a long while. But then you know, I tell my story and I'm not proud of having been a bully and having been egotistical or whatever but it's what happens … I felt a little important for a while.

Philadelphia Weekly: You were so forthcoming about admitting your personal faults. You didn't hesitate?

Ozzy: You know what, I said to Sharon, I can't write about this. And she'd say, if it's the truth, then write about it! If you don't want to write about it, then don't write about it. But on reflection, the overriding thing I tried to put in the book is the humor, but I wanted to tell the truth as well. So if you and I and a bunch of other people saw an accident, there's a good chance we'd all have a slightly different take on what we saw. Now people who were there are going to read my book and go, It never happened like that, he's just doing that because that's what he wants to say, he wants to be a big shot, this is what I remember happening… But that's only my angle on it. All I did was write the book how I remember it. If I'm wrong I'm wrong, if I'm right I'm right. I went in with an honest mind, with a open mind, because I didn't want to be all, I'm so fucking great, because the I-am-great attitude got me into a lot of shit, you know.

Philadelphia Weekly: I read that you recently discovered the importance of good facial moisturizer.

Ozzy: Sharon's guy says to me, you should [put] moisturizer on every morning and evening. I mean, guys don't fucking worry about it. But I started using it, because Sharon says, his face, his face, he's out in the weather all the time and doesn't take care of it. So I do it whenever I remember now… I have a face like a baby's butt.

Read the entire interview from Philadelphia Weekly.

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